Is an Ideal Customer Profile the true north for better marketing?

To achieve results, B2B and ABM campaigns require a well-researched Ideal Customer Profile. It makes all the difference in targeting...

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Are you using these parameters yet for segmentation of prospects?

When one is a digital marketer, it is easy to fall into falling in the trap of hoping that the...

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Firmographics: Take a cue to customize recommendations to each company

Use firmographic data like employee count and revenue to determine the size of a company and make a personalized recommendation...

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As your business grows, you will need multiple conditions and parameters for segmentation

Let us say you open a burger kiosk near your home. You might start off by making 30 burgers a...

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What email marketing metrics are the most meaningful for your business?

Digital marketers have so many weapons in their arsenals today. But of all those ways of promoting a product or...

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What parameters do you use to segment your email lists?

We spoke earlier of how important email marketing campaigns are to your overall digital marketing strategy. We also discussed that...

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Individual accounts as markets in their own right: A peep into the ITSMA definition of ABM

ITSMA is a community of thought leaders in the area of marketing. They provide a platform where the latest trends...

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What is Account-Based Marketing or ABM?

Let’s say you have a machine gun and are given a target to shoot at. You would do the best...

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What email marketing metrics do you track?

Any marketer would tell you that every activity they carry out is only as good as the results it brings...

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