How the power of data can change your direct mail results

"Data will talk to you if you are willing to listen" famously said entrepreneur Jim Bergeson. Data today has the...

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How do businesses benefit from Email Appending?

Businesses today are as much about communication as they are about sales. Successful business enterprises understand the significance of apt...

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Make no mistakes in creating a gender specific buyer persona

It is affirmed that men are from Mars and women from Venus when engaging the mind to carry out decisions....

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How Many Buyer Personas Should a Company have?

There is no particular fixed quantum of buyer personas a company can create. However, as a general rule the number...

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Remain alert in the hunt as a sales team: The buyer’s profile is shape-changing often

The value proposition of the ‘ideal buyer’ holds the key to understanding the process of buying. It might involve an...

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The Ideal Customer Profile blueprint: A step by step guide

Without visual aids, it is difficult to understand the concept of the ideal customer profile. A blueprint has to be...

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Is an Ideal Customer Profile the true north for better marketing?

To achieve results, B2B and ABM campaigns require a well-researched Ideal Customer Profile. It makes all the difference in targeting...

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Are you using these parameters yet for segmentation of prospects?

When one is a digital marketer, it is easy to fall into falling in the trap of hoping that the...

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Firmographics: Take a cue to customize recommendations to each company

Use firmographic data like employee count and revenue to determine the size of a company and make a personalized recommendation...

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