Case Studies

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Case Study

Data Deduplication and Enrichment Services Boosted Cloud Service Provider’s CTR by 160%.

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Case Study

IT Digi-Health Company Saw Windfall Gains via Successful Retargeting.

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Case Study

Data-driven Marketing for Automotive Dealership Amplifies Sales.

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Case Study

Wellness Product Brand Drove 500% More Sign-ups with Multichannel Marketing.

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Case Study

Japanese Dessert Company Ran Successful Campaigns that Augmented Email Deliverability by 47%.

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Case Study

Marketing Success Sore 8X by Setting Up Permission Pass Email Campaigns.

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Case Study

Client was Able to Drive Customer Acquisitions by 30% with Hyper-Targeted Prospect Data.

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Case Study

Marketing Agency was Able to Find Back its Footing with Verified Customer Datasets.

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Case Study

Property and Casualty Insurance Provider was able to Drive Affiliate Enquiries by 600%.

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