Case Studies

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Case Study

Building Stronger Brands Through Targeted Campaigns

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Case Study

From Casual Clicks to Competitive Spirit: Building an Esports Community for a Mobile Game Developer

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Case Study

Powering Up Investment with Targeted Campaigns: A Case Study for a Mobile & PC MMORPG Developer

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Case Study

Building Bridges: A Family Medicine Provider Expands Network with Targeted Email Marketing by LakeB2B

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Case Study

Application Avalanche to Streamlined Staffing: Renowned Nursing Program Accelerates Hiring with LakeB2B

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Case Study

Breathing Easier: A Leading Respiratory Care Provider Fills Talent Gaps with Laser-Focused Recruitment by LakeB2B

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Case Study

From Missed Connections to Meaningful Outreach: A Healthcare Company Finds Its Target Audience

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Case Study

Scattered Leads to Strategic Growth: How LakeB2B Helped an Ad Agency Target the Right Clients

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Case Study

From Cold Leads to Hot Prospects: How LakeB2B Fueled Sales Growth for a Mid-Sized Metal Manufacturer

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