Marketing Glossary

Digital Marketing Terms You Should Know

A/B or split testing

The process of testing two email variables to see which one performs better. For example – layout, CTAs, subject lines, preview texts, etc.

Email templates

An HTML file used to build email campaigns. Templates let you customize the text and formatting of emails. They can be text-only, or HTML and text.

Lead magnet

A free item or service given to users in order to gather their contact details. For examples – samples, service trials, subscriptions, etc.


A script that automatically responds to emails after recipients have taken specific actions. For example – subscribing, clicking on a CTA, etc. Such responses can range from one to two + emails.

Email Service Provider (ESP)

ESPs are technology companies providing bulk email marketing services. Meaning, they make it easier to create email lists and send emails.

Marketing automation

The process of using software to automate repetitive marketing activities. For examples – emails, social media posting, even ad campaigns in some cases.


A computer file sent with an email. The file can be an image, a PDF, a word document, etc. One or more files may be attached with an email.

Engage tag

These are tags attached with an email or used in social media to engage leads, recently acquired customers, even dormant users so as to keep your brand on top of their mind.

Meta tags

These are snippets of text used to describe a page’s content. Meta tags appear in the page’s source code, not the page itself.

Attachment open rate

The rate at which email recipients open an email. It is calculated by dividing the number of recipients who opened an email by the total number of recipients to whom the email was delivered.


A line of text appearing at the bottom of a page or email separate from the main text is known as a footer. It usually conveys legal information, business address, privacy policy, etc.

Multivariate testing

The act of testing a hypothesis in which multiple variables are simultaneously modified. For instance – websites and mobile apps are created using a mix of changeable elements.

Bounce rate

The percentage of email recipients who did not receive your email because it was returned by their mail server. Temporary reasons lead to soft bounces and permanent reasons, to hard bounces.

Frequency cap

A feature that allows you to limit the number of times an ad appears to a particular individual. The same goes with an automated email. This is done to avoid ad or banner burnout.

Network effect

A phenomenon wherein the value of a product or service increases with increasing number of participants or people. For example – the internet.


It is a real-time database, more like a filter, that identifies which domains or IP addresses are known for sending spam.


An online community or discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted comments. The way they differ from chat rooms is that the messages are often longer than one-line text.

Opt-in email

An email that is sent out to a recipient after they have agreed to provide their email address. For example – Signing up for subscription, to a special ad banner, etc.

Behavioral email

Emails sent out to recipients based on their behavior or actions. Such emails depend upon the recipient’s interactions with a business on social media, company website, or other channels.


The method of delivering relevant content to users and email recipients based on their geographical location. This includes country, state, county, city, and zip code.

Outbound marketing

Also known as interruption marketing, this strategy involves sending continuous promotional ads, sales calls, etc.

Banner ads ?

These are advertisements displayed into a web page. Banner ads can be statics (images) or animated (multimedia objects).

Guerilla marketing

A type of marketing strategy in which a company uses surprises or unconventional interactions for promoting their product or service.

Permission-based marketing

A type of marketing strategy in which the intended audience is given the choice to receive promotional ads or emails. It is also known as consent-based marketing.

Call-to-Action or CTA

An instruction in the form of a button that incites the audience or the email recipient to take an immediate action. For example – Add to cart, Buy now, Request a FREE sample, etc.

Guest blogging

Also known as guest posting, guest blogging is the act of posting content on another company’s website, usually with high domain authority to improve brand visibility.

Return on Investment (ROl)

A marketing performance metric calculated by dividing the profits earned from an investment by the total cost incurred in making that marketing investment.

Click-through rate (CTR)

CTR is a metric to measure the engagement of an email campaign. It measures the number of people who clicked through an email against the total number of emails successfully delivered.

House ad

Ads placed on a company’s own website, arising out of unsold inventory. These ads are logical solutions to fill a space and to promote new products or special features.

Run of Site (ROS).

A banner ad or any other form of advertisement that may appear on any page of a website, usually in an open placement.

Comment spam

Irrelevant or spammy comments posted in the comments section of a blog post solely for the purpose of advertising or dropping a link to the spammer’s website.

HTML banner

A banner ad that uses HTML elements instead of standard graphical elements. For example – Interactive forms, responsive features.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is the science and art of making pages rank higher in search engines like Google. The page is improved using relevant keywords, etc. to improve its visibility.

Customer acquisition cost

The cost of convincing a potential customer to purchase a product or service is known as the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC).

HTML email

An HTML email is designed to look like a website, with colors, graphics, etc. Businesses use these emails to create professional messages in line with their corporate image.

Search retargeting

A form of retargeting used to target audience based on the searches they conduct on other websites. The audience in this case may never have been to the marketer’s website before.


Text files containing small pieces of data such as username and password to identify your computer or network.

Hybrid model

The strategy of using two or more marketing channels for a more extensive and effective outreach plan is known as a hybrid marketing model.

Text ads

A form of marketing communication that predominantly uses text to promote a product or service on Google.

Data transfer

The process of collecting, replicating, and transmitting large volumes of data from one organization to the other.


Also referred to as ad views, impressions are a metric to quantify the number of times an ad or content is displayed, whether it has been clicked or not.

Unique visitors

A marketing metric in Web Analytics measuring the number of distinct individuals whovisited a page or multiple pages within a given time.


The ability to deliver emails to recipients’ inboxes is known as deliverability.

Inbound marketing

A marketing strategy that aims at attracting potential customers by using valuable content and experienced tailored to their needs. For examples – blogs, events, etc.

Unsubscribe rate

A metric used to measure the percentage of users who have unsubscribed or opted out of an email list following a marketing campaign.

Deliverability rate

The success rate of an email marketer in getting an email delivered to a recipient’s inbox. It is expressed as a percentage.

Incentivized traffic

Traffic generated to a web page or an app using a rewards-based system. For example – offering users discounts for clicking on a link.

Viral marketing

A marketing strategy used to promote a product or service, mainly on social media channels. Under this strategy, consumers are encouraged to spread information about the offering.

Drip marketing

A marketing strategy in which a limited number of emails are sent to the audience automatically based on their actions or change in status.

Invisible web

The parts of the World Wide Web (WWW) that are not accessible by everyone. Invisible web’s content is not displayed on standard search engines.

Web hosting

Also known as internet hosting service, it allows both organizations and individuals to make their website accessible using the World Wide Web (WWW).

Dynamic content

Refers to an email component or web page that continuously changes. The changes are based on user signals. For examples – user data, characteristics, etc.


A programming language that lets you implement complex features on web pages – interactive maps, multimedia content, scrolling video jukeboxes, etc.

Website traffic

The volume of users visiting a website is known as web traffic. This volume will depend upon the website’s goals, purpose, and the way in which the site was discovered.

Email marketing

The act of sending out promotional marketing messages to a group of people via email is known as email marketing. This is usually done using an email list.

List hygiene

The act of cleansing an email list of inactive or cold subscribers to ensure maximum campaign success in the future.

Word-of-mouth marketing.

A marketing strategy in which consumers are actively encouraged by brands to promote their products and services using testimonials and reviews.