Computer Software | Information Technology and Service | Internet | Hospital & Healthcare | Financial Services | Marketing & Advertising | Retail
Digital Growth Marketing with Target GitHub User Organization’s Top Management Decision Maker Database
Our lead-gen experts can help you load the industry segmented data in your marketing automation CRM, and create personalized and high-converting destination pages and email nurture journeys.
Discover an Easy and Affordable Way to Run Targeted Campaigns to Convert GitHub User Organizations
Build a well-segmented and customized list based on your needs and preferences.
Get guaranteed benefits of our leads data with 95% accuracy on all selects provided in the database.
We keep our database fresh, updated, and error-free to prevent duplicities and anomalies in consistency and data precision.
Total GitHub Users Data List Includes:
85,397 accounts with their firmographic intelligence
Website Analytics
Tech Stacks in Use
Employee Size
Job Vacancy Growth
Unlock more segmented GitHub User Targets by Geography Overview of Geo-Segmented Target Types:
List of GitHub Users Companies in APAC Region Countries | List of GitHub Users Companies in Detroit |
List of GitHub Users Companies in Middle East Region Countries | List of GitHub Users Companies in Atlanta |
List of GitHub Users Companies in Europe Region Countries | List of GitHub Users Companies in Houston |
List of GitHub Users Companies in Australia | List of GitHub Users Companies in San Jose |
List of GitHub Users Companies in the USA | List of GitHub Users Companies in Dallas |
List of GitHub Users Companies by States & Metro Areas | List Of GitHub Users Companies in Las Vegas |
List of GitHub Users Companies in LATAM Region Countries | List of GitHub Users Companies in Miami |
Understand the Priorities and Concerns of GitHub Audience Profiles.
Our Lead-Gen Teams Have Perfected the Art of Setting Email Nurture Journeys Using Accurate GitHub User Records.
GitHub, Inc. is a provider of Internet hosting for software development and version control using Git.
It provides access control and several collaboration features such as bug tracking, feature requests, task management, continuous integration and wikis for every project.
GitHub is the most powerful tool for collaborating on projects and managing code.
It offers the distributed version control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git, plus its own features.
Make Google Search Love You Even More Loading GitHub Users Data into the Ad Manager
Create Precision Targeted LinkedIn ABM Campaigns Implement Lead Personalization Using GitHub Users Database
Maximize ROI by Targeting Qualified Leads Use Our Real-Time Insights on Your Hottest GitHub Leads
Eliminate Wasteful Campaign Spends Show your online and social Ads to relevant GitHub Audiences
Reduction in PPC Costs
Jump in Leads to Conversion
improvement in ROAS
Jump in Leads to Conversion
Increase in New Account Acquisitions
Growth in Demo Registrations by Email
We have you covered from end-to-end.
Some Of Our Capture Fields Include:
Premium Data Attributes:
Speak with our experts to customize your specific GitHub Users List requirements.