Precise Targeting for Peak Performance: How LakeB2B Empowered a Leading Advertising Firm to Reach Specialized Pediatricians

The Challenge:

 * Reaching the Right Audience: The Firm required a comprehensive and up-to-date list of pediatricians segmented by subspecialty across the US. This would ensure their marketing efforts resonated with the most relevant healthcare professionals, maximizing campaign effectiveness.

LakeB2B’s Solution: Drawing on our comprehensive healthcare data repository, LakeB2B provided The Firm with a solution exceeding their initial request:

 * Subspecialty-Level Targeting:  We delivered a data list encompassing not only general pediatricians but also those specializing in various subfields like neonatology, cardiology, hematology & oncology, and more. This granular segmentation empowered The Firm to tailor their marketing messages to resonate with the specific needs and interests of each subspecialty, leading to increased campaign relevance and improved lead quality.

 * National Reach: The data list included pediatricians across the United States, ensuring The Firm could connect with their target audience on a national scale.

 * Data Accuracy:  LakeB2B prioritizes data accuracy to maximize campaign success. Our stringent data hygiene processes ensured the list contained a high percentage of deliverable contacts.

Delivered Data:

Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine1,835
Hematologist & Oncologist1,352
Infectious Diseases427
Developmental & Behavioral340
Allergist & Immunologist194
Transplant Hepatologist9
Additional Count (CA) General Pediatrics5,547
Total Contacts Delivered16,364

Measurable Results:

Client expressed satisfaction with the data list, acknowledging its effectiveness in fulfilling their marketing goals. An anticipated bounce rate of 5-7% was experienced, which aligned with industry standards for email marketing campaigns.

Client Satisfaction

“The list was good, it served its purpose, however there were a
few bounces around 5-7% which was expected to be as informed initially.”



This case study exemplifies the power of precise data targeting in healthcare marketing. By partnering with LakeB2B, The Firm gained access to a comprehensive and accurate list of pediatricians across the US, categorized by subspecialty. This enabled them to launch targeted marketing campaigns that resonated with the most relevant healthcare professionals, achieving their marketing objectives.

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Contact LakeB2B today and discover how our data-driven solutions can make a difference for your business.