Empowering Education: LakeB2B Delivers Targeted Teacher Contacts for a Leading Higher Education Institution

The Challenge :

Reaching the Right Audience : The Institution needed a comprehensive and accurate list of teachers who met their specific criteria, ensuring their outreach efforts resonated with the most relevant educators.

Geographic Focus : Targeting specific states (NY, VT, NH, ME, MA, CT, RI, and PA) was crucial to ensure their marketing efforts reached the desired geographical area.

LakeB2B’s Solution :

Leveraging our extensive education sector database, LakeB2B delivered a tailored solution that addressed The Institution’s unique requirements:

Targeted Teacher Identification : We meticulously identified and compiled a contact list encompassing AP Calculus/Physics teachers and Calculus/Physics teachers within the specified states. This ensured their outreach efforts reached the most relevant educators who could potentially integrate their services or products into the curriculum.

Data Accuracy & Verification : LakeB2B prioritizes data accuracy to maximize campaign effectiveness. Our stringent data hygiene processes ensured the list contained a high percentage of deliverable contacts with up-to-date information.

Delivered Contacts :

A total of 765 targeted teacher contacts were delivered to The Institution, providing them with a comprehensive pool of potential leads within the education sector.

Addressing Data Accuracy Concerns :

While LakeB2B strives to maintain the highest data quality standards, it’s essential to acknowledge that data accuracy can be influenced by various factors, such as the frequency of data updates, the reliability of data sources, and changes in individual contact information.

To further enhance data accuracy, LakeB2B recommends the following strategies:

Data Refreshment : Regularly updating the data list to ensure contact information remains current and accurate.

Verification Processes : Implementing additional verification methods, such as email verification or phone number validation, to further validate the accuracy of contact details.

Direct Outreach and Verification : Conducting direct outreach to a sample of contacts to verify their accuracy and gather feedback on the data quality.

Client Testimonial:

“More accuracy with the data.” – Michael

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