Case Studies

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Case Study

Health Insurance Brokerage firm Drove up Corporate Brand Alliance by 32%.

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Case Study

How Our Email Marketing Transformed the Reach and Engagement for a Leading Electronics Distributor

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Case Study

Lead Gen Services Enabled Medical Reference Service Triple Campaign Response.

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Case Study

DSO provider was able to run Successful Intent-Based Lead-Gen and Engagement Campaigns.

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Case Study

Drone Education Service Provider Achieved 5X Campaign Performance.

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Case Study

Lead Generation and Nurture Solutions helped Improve Clients Marketing Metrics.

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Case Study

Leading Software Firm was Able to Unlock Sky-high Email Deliverability Rates.

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Case Study

SaaS Provider Expands Business in Japan with Accurate Email Campaigns.

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Case Study

Lead-gen Service Provider Triples Sales After Campaign Data Deployment.

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