Telemedicine – Are Health providers catching up with the selfie generation?
Author: Bryan
We belong to the generation of selfies. Selfie with your new car, a new business unit, or a new look. But, ever thought of taking a selfie of your injuries and getting doctors come to you to help? Thanks to the power of telemedicine, anybody from anywhere can now have access to healthcare.
Robert Johnston, a Mt. Lebanon resident, who was concerned with a growth on his face, could have easily taken an appointment with his dermatologist and got treated. Instead, he chose to take a selfie of his affected area and uploaded the pictures on the Doctor’s website. In less than four hours, he had the concerned doctor reply to him.
Health services are no more confined to the elite group or just for the ones who have an easy access to health providers. Thanks to the growing technology and the concept of global village, people even in the remote areas today have an easy access to healthcare. If you have an internet access, you certainly have access to everything including healthcare through telemedicine.
According to the latest report from GSMA intelligence, mobile connections globally have passed the 7 billion mark in April 2014 and are expected to touch 7.2 billion by end of the year. It will be the biggest achievement of having as many mobile connections as people on the planet and the industry is striving towards it. With this kind of growth, taking healthcare services to any nook and corner of the globe is practically possible.
How Lake B2B can help Telemedicine providers
Let’s say you have a tele-health/e-consultation service, and you have an internet access. All you need then is a niche-targeted and segmented database to connect with the right audience. Whether your target audience is in Cambodia or United States of America, we have the respective database. To know more, leave your message here and take your tele-health services across the globe.
About Author
Vice President, Sales has a 20 year track record in B2B marketing and sales. With expertise in B2B Email Appending, Enhancement and Validation made accessible to more than 3000 clients worldwide. An avid traveler, takes keen interest in exploring brand development strategies and unchartered techniques for marketing solutions.