Generate $36 on Every $1 Spent on Sending an Email. Know Your Email Marketing ROI

For every $1 spent, email has an average ROI of $36 Subscriber segmentation is the most effective campaign strategy Testing...

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Let Your Data Come To Life - Data Visualization

Data comes in various avatars, in the form of customer data, website activities, results from campaigns and lead generation. As...

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Don’t Sell, Tell In Subject Lines. For Better Open Rates in Email Marketing

Consider this. You’ve spent days and weeks tweaking your email campaign, so that it sounds perfect for your target audience....

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Can Lead Generation Propel Big Businesses - 5 Reasons to Say 'Yes'

There are many reasons and many ways that a small-scale business can be helped out through a proper outsourced lead...

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The 'Mad Men' Era of Mass Marketing Strategy is No Longer 'The Real Thing'

Yes, the AMC show, Mad Men is quite the rage today. There seems to be incessant chatter revolving around how...

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Data Management Challenges in Healthcare Industry

As it is, data management is one of the most tiresome tasks for marketers and since healthcare data is the...

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Sheldon Coopers of Todays’ Search Engine Optimization

Feels kind of strange to be around such aura of brilliance all the time. Yet our current Search Engine Optimization...

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Has Your Event Marketing Passed the Cannes Test?

“In a fast-changing, fluid environment, where one week is different from the next, our biggest challenge is to remain relevant...

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5 Content Management Tips for Your Next Email Marketing Newsletter

While others are enjoying a late morning on a bleak Saturday, you are somewhere chalked to the block in work...

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