Buy or Build Orthopedist Email List; What is Wiser?

Data continues to be marketers’ first love; reason being the results achieved with data-driven marketing warms your heart. It has...

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Healthcare Data is Most Unstructured Consumer Data Ever; How to Address That?

Digital is changing the way consumers act, bringing in vast changes to many industries. This is no different for the healthcare...

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What healthcare marketers need to know about online reputation management?

A recent Forbes article revealed that one company lost more than $2 million in sales because of its bad online...

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6 Data Management Challenges to Overcome in 2015

Over the past few years the exorbitant growth of ecommerce, social media, mobile and other handheld devices has created the...

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5 Simple Tips to Overpower the Email Deliverability Obstacles

New Year is fast approaching and marketers are already up with their Holiday email marketing campaigns.  But what worries marketers...

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5 Creative Holiday Marketing Tips to Make your Brand Stand Out

Just back from Thanksgiving and marketers are already chalking out plans for another holiday season. Christmas and New Year is...

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Doing Search Engine Optimization Amazingly Well is Simple, Really!

Buzz is already around that google is going to change the way Search Engine Optimization works. It will no more...

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Challenges of Data-Driven Marketing

While data-driven marketing is the new wave in the marketing sphere, CMOs are struggling to utilize its full potential. Marketers...

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6 Essential Ways to Increase Quality Leads via Email Campaigns

As marketers, our sole goal is to generate quality leads through all our marketing efforts.  We end up spending too...

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