Is Data Quality the same as Data Governance?

Although often used interchangeably, data quality and data governance are two entirely different aspects that are interrelated in a way....

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4 ways to increase your Email Deliverability Ratio

Email deliverability has a direct impact on your campaign ROI. How effective is your email deliverability? Read on An email marketer...

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Success Metrics to Help You to Improve Email Performance

Your emails can be the source of several useful pointers regarding how effective they are. Read on to find out...

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3 Simple Ways to Reactivate & Engage Your Subscribers

Teaser: It is not enough to add more subscribers to your mailing list. You also need to take good care...

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Best Ways to Acquire Validated Email ids with Newsletter Sign Ups

Teaser: Are you tired of sending thousands of emails with no response? Here is how you can insert useful touch...

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3 Ways to Optimize ROI with Dynamic Email Content

Teaser: Here are three simple ways to make your email content more dynamic, so that your email marketing ROI increases....

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Get the Best Traction on Your Emails by the Smart Use of Videos

Teaser: Learn about the different ways in which you can take your emails beyond text, and also the advantages of...

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8 Ways to Grow MROI with Emails – Marketers Listen Up

Every business thrives on performance internally and externally. When their digital teams avoid marketing mistakes, they stand to gain trust....

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Refine Your Survey Strategy to Boost Responsiveness

There are many response rates definitions. Each industry uses specific parameters to send messages to their subscribers. Certain standards have...

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