How Marketers Can Handle Event Cancellations Amidst Coronavirus Fears

In the past couple of months, the COVID-19 outbreak has left the entire world breaking into a sweat. While events...

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The Value of Email Marketing in the current Social Media Uprising!

Today we have billions of people hovering over multiple social media platforms. For some, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are still...

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A Comprehensive Guide to B2B2C Marketing

It is common knowledge that most companies either sell to other business enterprises (B2B) or to end consumers (B2C). What...

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Data Cleansing vs. Data Enrichment: Know the Difference!

You must have noticed that at times a carefully-crafted campaign that tested well with a sample audience fails to attract...

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10 Reasons Why We Love Data

Successful businesses have always relied on some form of data since time immemorial through manual methods. Today, raw data is...

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Here’s Why There is No Substitute for Good Data

Increased proliferation of technology across devices and people has exposed previously unseen business models, new marketing strategies and markets, and...

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Refreshing Your Data: Why Is It Important?

We live in an era where data technologies are at the core of marketing strategies. Be it the key source...

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How Data Affects Your Revenue

The data being referred to in the title above is also called Big Data. Users are generating an insurmountable amount...

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Custom Data: Because Spray-and-Pray Doesn’t Work

In today’s digital era, the entire world is a simple click away on our phones. Owing to this surge in...

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