It Costs More to Acquire Than Retain – Use B2B Customer Marketing

According to Forrester, it costs 5 times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one. We...

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Is it Hot or Not? Use a Qualified Lead List with Lead Scoring

After an event, the first step is in creating a lead list. However, it is better to have no list...

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Quantify to Justify - 4 Steps to Measure Event Marketing ROI

In your overall marketing plan, you finally decide that it’s time to utilize event marketing. Whether your event is to...

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B2B Event Technology – It’s What You Make Of It!

Consider this; your company conducts a flagship event every year, and it is decided that new event technology needs to...

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Retarget and Remarket. Use Lead Generation Tactics to Boost B2B Event Marketing ROI

B2B event marketing is all about networking and social media is a powerful channel to spread the word. An effective...

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7 Steps to Boost B2B Event Marketing ROI and Leverage Lead Generation

As businesses compete to connect with customers in a ‘buyer-powered’ world, marketers have to use every touch point to converse,...

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Generate $36 on Every $1 Spent on Sending an Email. Know Your Email Marketing ROI

For every $1 spent, email has an average ROI of $36 Subscriber segmentation is the most effective campaign strategy Testing...

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Let Your Data Come To Life - Data Visualization

Data comes in various avatars, in the form of customer data, website activities, results from campaigns and lead generation. As...

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Don’t Sell, Tell In Subject Lines. For Better Open Rates in Email Marketing

Consider this. You’ve spent days and weeks tweaking your email campaign, so that it sounds perfect for your target audience....

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