Knowhow of a Successful Social Media Marketing Campaign
Author: Bryan
“Short, Sweet, Simple”, “Keep It Short and Simple” – do the taglines strike a chord? Wrote almost a century ago, but the lines seem as relevant as never before. More so in the world of social media with their short and casual, miniaturised lingos. On one side, it’s a virtual platform for long lost friends and for making new ones. But when you look at it from a marketer’s perspective, social media is a brilliant junction of potential customers from diverse age-groups and gender-profiles. Connecting through one increases your client reach manifolds.
This lucrative pool of potential prospects makes Social Media Marketing campaigns so necessary. But, unlike other digital marketing campaigns, it lacks the quality of customer isolation. A customer won’t call his friend or neighbour to verify a promotional email you sent. But in Facebook or Twitter, you are exposed to a much broader mass. Without cautious planning, it might not only end your marketing campaigns in virtual space, but also bring hell loss on your real world business.
No risks, no gains. All you need is some carefully laid strategies to fulfil your marketing goals in social media.
Interaction is Key – Remember: Facebook and Twitter are inventions of a newer age and the users are also generally not your grandma and grandpas, though with exceptions. The “trending” “like-comment-share” thriving generation are no fools and are much more adapted to the technologies of the newer world. So, if you can’t beat them, join them. It’s their space, their language – your social media presence needs to come down to their level. Interaction is key in social media marketing – products need to be advertised to bring relevance to the majority younger crowd.
Identify SMART Goals – The vital and initial part of any social media marketing strategy starts with identifying your business goals at the earliest. SMART – Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Time-bound. Different social media platforms have their own distinctive features, which appeal to different participant groups. To respond to such a situation, your goals also need to be very specific, addressed to your target audience. Time is a big factor in social media because trends keep changing each day, non-stop. So, your marketing campaign needs to be co-ordinated in a time-bound manner.
Social Media Audit – It’s good to market on all social media sites, but with competitions rising and new sites coming each day, marketing campaigns here can become daunting and confusing. Moreover, the resource, time and effort spent to reach all the websites can come to waste if your target group is clustered in one or two websites. That is why, after setting your goals, a social media audit is required to assess your target buyers’ movements. By evaluating their general mode of communication with you, one can utilise resources to concentrate on an initial point to begin the campaign.
Optimise your Web Presence – Once the audit is done, on one hand you will have your potential buyers and in the other hand your previously assessed goals. Now you need to set up your online presence accordingly – even amplify it – if required. Competitors who are already in the field, make them your inspiration. Check the type of contents they are generating that is engaging the crowd. Other than them, industry leaders will always have an example or two to show you way. And in the end, there are the customers, themselves. Getting their feedback on how they want their products is a valuable resource.
It does not end there. A potential game-changer in its field, there is more to Social Media Marketing than meets the eye. And who knows it better than the leader in social media campaigns – LakeB2B! Fulfil your Social Media Marketing goals today: Call 800-710-5516 or write to us at [email protected].
About Author
Vice President, Sales has a 20 year track record in B2B marketing and sales. With expertise in B2B Email Appending, Enhancement and Validation made accessible to more than 3000 clients worldwide. An avid traveler, takes keen interest in exploring brand development strategies and unchartered techniques for marketing solutions.