Getting objections over-ruled – A precise cold caller guide for the intrepid salesman

Getting objections over-ruled – A precise cold caller guide for the intrepid salesman

Author: Marshal

Many sales people learn the art-the hard way… by cold calling. Over the years, it is found that it is no science fiction but a carefully honed skill, perhaps a little scripted with professional assistance in today’s age. Cold calls are not yet dead; start-ups and sales gurus still apply this technique. The methods have changed and so has the script. Once the salesman knows in advance why the prospect is objecting, the answers can be scripted to counter them. There is a precise way to get them over-ruled.

Tactic alert

Preparation before selling is important. This means you ought to understand the prospect-seller game. At times it is almost like a cat and mouse sport. Both, the prospect and the salesperson are mentally aware that the opponent is playing a mental game. Prospects tend to throw you off the track. Understanding the tactics they use can prove be extremely crucial before you get on the call Once you understand the smoke screens they use, just like the ones in James Bond flicks, the confusion is cleared. With a focused mind the chances of being caught offguard are minimized and winning over the prospect increases. If you are not prepared there are high chances that you may falter and give-in in terms of pricing. Strong salespeople DECREASE the prospects fears, anxiety, suspicion, mistrust and discomfort in the salesperson and product itself.

What prospects do to throw you off track?

Prospects resort to twisting reality often knowingly or unknowingly. They won’t tell you the whole truth. They will tell you, the order is much larger than it really is and once you have given a superb price (your absolute best) they will turn around and say that they just need a part of it! Or, they claim to have reduced their order requirement. Again, the prospect’s objective is to get maximum benefits, at the lowest price. Prospects also like to extend and buy as much time as possible so that they can search for cheaper options and keep you as a backup. For start-ups and sales experts who need to sharpen their axe (techniques) the following tactics will be valuable to get started.

Plausible objection scenarios and techiques to handle them

The prospect says… I am busy, just send me the info…

Go on send an email to stimulate the interest and follow up with another call a week later.

The prospect says… I am busy, call me back…

Sure call back, but don’t forget to ask when  and be prepared to handle objections at this stage. The trick is neither to give-in nor give-up. Should you encounter an objection at this stage, it is most likely that the prospect will say they are already working with some other company. Read up about your competition to glide through this situation. This is where your sales pitch should be precise and clear. Let the prospect know about the uniqueness of your products and services.  At this point explain your value clearly for the prospect to show interest. It is like breaking their mindset. It can be a challenge even for seasoned salesmen. Let the prospect know that you would like to showcase your product’s uniqueness and highlight how it’s beneficial for their business. Mention some companies that use your products as against your competitors. And don’t be in the hurry to pounce for an appointment. Gauge the mood of the prospect and seek an appointment at the right time. This should do the trick to make the cold call more useful.

Many prospects procrastinate. They may buy time and ask you to call again. This is the downfall for most salespeople. The objection can be over ruled with articulation. Let them know that you are not selling; rather informing and educating them of the value of the product. Encourage a quick five minute phone chat on a day they like. In the end its’ your own attitude while cold calling that will either influence or repel the prospect to do business with you/ your company.

About Author

Marshal is adept at cultivating managing and leveraging key client relationships. He develops trendsetter ideas by researching market strategies and deal requirements. Marshal is exceptional at locating and proposing potential business deals by contacting potential partners/resellers for global business opportunities.

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