Data automation – from piles of paper to lists of contacts

Data automation – from piles of paper to lists of contacts

Author: Bryan

It’s not too long ago that bigger organizations had their entire database based on pieces of paper. As time passed, there came the time for transition and acquisition. While companies started aiming at new insights, they started transiting from paper to updating the data on computer. And now it’s all just a click away. However, there are still people updating the database manually.

Companies that were established over 20 to 30 years ago, have piles of database in paper as everything was being updated manually then. Just imagine one such company acquiring another company established over 30 years ago. Can you imagine the amount of database which will pile up?

While there are a number of companies still manually updating the database, it’s the era of automating the entire process of data management. Most of the companies have found that their data is stacked in isolation in different systems or different parts of the organization. This makes it extremely difficult to access when required for analysis and reporting.

[tweetable] Data cleansing and centralization of data is an expensive as well as a time consuming task[/tweetable] . If you too think so, Lake B2B would like to remind you that we are in the year 2014. Today, everything around us is automated and using data automation to manage your data is what it takes for you to bring that change in your organization.

There are $2 billion to $5 billion institutions that have saved around $80,000 to $200,000 in the labor costs by freeing up their IT staff for tasks which need manual effort. When companies are working on different core systems, the acquisition usually turns out to be problematic, as companies are unsure of what to keep and what to scrap. The entire customer data will have to be reformatted and migrated to another system.

This could be a Herculean task, if you are doing all this by yourself. However, not for companies like Lake B2B who hold expertise in data management. [tweetable] Planning an acquisition? Remember to contact us for all that data management and list management services.[/tweetable]

About Author

Vice President, Sales has a 20 year track record in B2B marketing and sales. With expertise in B2B Email Appending, Enhancement and Validation made accessible to more than 3000 clients worldwide. An avid traveler, takes keen interest in exploring brand development strategies and unchartered techniques for marketing solutions.

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