Data Management

Category: Marketing

Empower your marketing and sales intelligence: Distinguish between ICP and BP

Marketing managers need to prioritize the abilities of their product offerings and match with the �...

The existential dilemmas of the new-age CMO

The marketing landscape is changing, and at a very fast pace. While this may sound exciting, it does...

In turbulent waters: The CMO in the digital omni-channel era

Here we bring you a series that explore the life and struggles of a CMO. Roles, goals, challenges, K...

Power-Up your Sales Arsenal with Competitor Battle Card

How do battle cards help you position your product better? The only way to ensure your product(s) or...

Why a typical Sales-Pitch fails sometimes?

Sales pitch: Tell the story of how you help companies and humanity You have got your product ready. ...

Why websites will be even more essential for businesses in 2019

Did you know that many businesses, especially small and medium, do not still own a proper website? S...

SEO Marketing – Where is it heading?

If there is one industry that is on the constant evolvement mode, it is definitely SEO! The SEO indu...

Competitor battle cards: Shot way to grow your sales person into a convincing thought leader

There are two broad strategies followed by sales representatives (sales rep) when they are making a ...

Three elementary mistakes to avoid to sail your way to sales success

They say we are all trying to sell something throughout our lives. A person wishing to get married s...

How to Stand Out as a Brand in a Digital Savvy Era

You have a small business, and you have managed to set up your website. You have also made the effor...