Data Management

Category: Data Management

Ensure Your B2B Data Appending Includes Decay Protection!

When you discover that the company you’ve dialed closed two years back, you know that your conta...

6 Steps to Boost B2B Lead Generation Strategies

Building an effective lead generation strategy is quite a daunting task for B2B sales teams. The key...

Make Quality B2B Data, Not War

B2B Data Synchronization Is your business experiencing the effects of b2b data proliferation? Has qu...

B2B Data Marketing Survival Guide

Part One of B2B Data Marketing Survival Guide: The Pillars of Data Marketing The importance of busi...

Redefine your Definition of Customer Engagement Strategy

  A potential customer that helps your business grow is surely for keeps. To pursue him into yo...

Get a Treat of 6 Tricks to Maximize ROI on Your B2B Database This Halloween

The custom of “trick or treat” is enjoyable for children during Halloween. In the B2B world, are...

Let Your Data Come To Life – Data Visualization

Data comes in various avatars, in the form of customer data, website activities, results from campai...

Can Lead Generation Propel Big Businesses – 5 Reasons to Say ‘Yes’

There are many reasons and many ways that a small-scale business can be helped out through a proper ...

Data Management Challenges in Healthcare Industry

As it is, data management is one of the most tiresome tasks for marketers and since healthcare data ...

We are exhibiting one of the most Innovative Healthcare Marketing Solutions at HIMSS ’15

Meet us at HIMSS15 – Booth no. 7535 and connect with over 38,000+ healthcare IT professionals ...