Data Management

Category: Data Management

Importance of Keeping Your Customer Database Up-to-Date

As the famous author, Pearl Zhu, eloquently puts it, “We are moving slowly into an era where Big D...

Fix These Issues in Your Data-Driven Marketing Strategy

In September 2014, Pinterest, an online photo-blogging site, sent wedding congratulations to several...

How Data Quality Is Related to Data Cleansing?

The universe of data more than doubles every two years (EMC). So, it is no wonder that countless bus...

10 Reasons Why We Love Data

Successful businesses have always relied on some form of data since time immemorial through manual m...

Here’s Why There is No Substitute for Good Data

Increased proliferation of technology across devices and people has exposed previously unseen busine...

Refreshing Your Data: Why Is It Important?

We live in an era where data technologies are at the core of marketing strategies. Be it the key sou...

How Data Affects Your Revenue

The data being referred to in the title above is also called Big Data. Users are generating an insur...

Custom Data: Because Spray-and-Pray Doesn’t Work

In today’s digital era, the entire world is a simple click away on our phones. Owing to this surge...

Hallmarks of a Competent B2B Data Provider

While the B2C business landscape is becoming more data-centric, the B2B world has always been driven...

Change the Way You Think About Good Data

Whether it be healthcare, education, travel, finance, banking, or absolutely any industry, good cont...