Can Lead Generation Propel Big Businesses – 5 Reasons to Say ‘Yes’

Can Lead Generation Propel Big Businesses – 5 Reasons to Say ‘Yes’

Author: Bryan

There are many reasons and many ways that a small-scale business can be helped out through a proper outsourced lead generation process. Is it the same for big businesses? That brings us to the question: how do you recognize ‘big’?

US Census Bureau explains the categorization through employee numbers.

US Census Definitions:

  • Establishments – Single business locations from where the business is operated or services executed.
  • Enterprises Business organizations with one or more ‘establishments’ under common ownership.

Under US Census Bureau, there are four categories of enterprises:

–          Very Small Enterprises (<20 employees)

–          Small Enterprises (20-99 employees)

–          Medium Enterprises (100-499 employees)

–          Large Enterprises (≥500 employees)

The Small Business Association of America (SBAA) has minor variations from the Census Bureau’s demarcations of categorization parameters.

There are other ways also to determine the ‘greatness’ of a large-scale enterprise, like:

  • Revenues – cash or liquefiable revenues; its entire valuation.
  • Share Price Offerings – the current market price of company shares.
  • Movable/Immovable Assets – the number of assets as well as their accumulated valuation.
  • Brand Image / Popularity – the customer reach factor; determines future prospects of the company too.

Yet, these statistics fail to obtain a clear picture of marketing successes of a company. Doesn’t matter whether it’s a small- or a large-scale company, demand generation will always be of necessity till you are in business.

Lead generation being an integral part of the demand generation process, it is always handy to keep a second opinion in addition to your internal marketing team.

A Flawless Lead Generation Strategy includes:

1. Contacts List Customization:

The contacts list or, more appropriately, the leads sheet gets relevant when contacts are aligned to business interests. Lead Generation does not only take in contacts, but classifies them in order to optimize responses.

2. Profiling of Accounts:

Like customization, arranging the database accounts is also another job for your outsourced lead generators. Such profiling requires specialized automation tools that minimize time to collate contact information.

 3. Cleansing and Appending Old Data:

Gathering new data goes hand in hand with re-structuring old databases. By matching the old contacts database with a new one, business contacts are updated and corrected.

 4. Registering to Events:

Lead generation is an all-round job where offline methods are as effective as online strategies. Event promotion is one of the best motifs to collect mass contacts. It has got the advantage of customization too. A doctors-only event won’t be attended by an engineer and vice-versa. Generating leads from the same industry, sector, region or job role becomes easier with event marketing.

 5. Regular Submissions of Relevant Important Content:

The most important part of lead generation is to keep the buzz going. The initial thrust that rolled the juggernaut to a flow of contacts, needs to be rekindled from time to time. Your online presence can play the role of a constant watch-dog by taking feedbacks from regular whitepaper submissions. Newsletters, blogs, promotional and follow-up emails can also stoke customer interests.

The above methods are equally important for small businesses as well as large ones. If an eminent brand promotes a new product-chain and fails, the results can be catastrophic. The risk involved is much higher, which makes certainty of campaign successes a must for big companies. Lake B2B’s corporate lead generation packages are highly sophisticated to cater to a wide range of enterprises. Contact 800-710-5166 to double-protect your hard-earned single business. Worried about complex data problems regarding huge-scale conglomerates? Write your problem to [email protected] and avail our expert help.

About Author

Vice President, Sales has a 20 year track record in B2B marketing and sales. With expertise in B2B Email Appending, Enhancement and Validation made accessible to more than 3000 clients worldwide. An avid traveler, takes keen interest in exploring brand development strategies and unchartered techniques for marketing solutions.

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