Author: Mike Connolly

Vice President, Sales has a 20 year track record in B2B marketing and sales. With expertise in B2B Email Appending, Enhancement and Validation made accessible to more than 3000 clients worldwide. An avid traveler, takes keen interest in exploring brand development strategies and unchartered techniques for marketing solutions.

Email Marketing Gospel of Dos and Don’ts

With the increased use of social media, there is a myth that the use of Email marketing is reducing....

Predictive analytics – The most promising data technique in B2B marketing

Predictive analytics – The most promising data technique in B2B marketing Digital presence has rev...

From a business feature to a necessity – Journey of data mining applications

With evolving tools and data management systems, there is an enormous amount of information that get...

Turn Your List into a Strategic Asset – List hygiene best practices

If you had followed the recently concluded DMA2013 conference in Chicago, then it would be easy for ...

Build a Winning Email Marketing Strategy

It is a known fact that the best digital marketing channel that generates ROI is email marketing. Ho...

Market Research – All Questions Answered

How do you find your customers’ preferences, buying habits, traits,and needs? Do you know what...

How does Email Data Card help Email Marketers?

First, let’s uncover the term data card…. An email data card is an informative document ...

Road Map to B2B Market Segmentation

Unlike B2C market segmentation, B2B segmentation requires a deeper analysis, and study. In this blog...