Author: Gautam Mane

Gautam is a growth enabler for Top Fortunes with a strong focus on creating global business opportunities. He specializes in Direct Marketing, Strategic Sales, Lead Generation, Pre-sales, CRM and Data-driven marketing. Gautam is voted as one of Top 100 Technology Experts and is passionate about collaborating with all types of industries to ensure 100% growth with powerful data offerings. Gautam is an active part of the DMA (Direct Marketing Association) events in US and India and has been instrumental in devising some of the most result-driven marketing strategies.

4 examples of social media marketing gone wrong in 2018

Take a look at the 4 takeaways from these hilarious social media marketing fails of the year 2018. Y...

Top 6 result-critical benefits with Data Enrichment

Data enrichment has recorded a whopping 80% growth this year and what’s remarkable is that this ge...

4 success Case Studies that Won our Hearts

Look at how these 4 famous brands came up with brilliant digital marketing campaigns in 2018 for reg...

Top 3 concerns CMOs need to battle before 2019

You thought some marketing pain points will worry the CMOs most? No, it is Data Security You have yo...

Data Segmentation is a pre-requisite for ABM Success

Most B2B digital marketers are adopting an ABM based approach nowadays, and they start off the proce...

Data Governance gaps will lead to attacks and ransom. Can you afford this risk?

The corporate cockpit deals with collaborative data management and several gaps need to be addressed...

What is your data governance strategy?

Once you are ready to implement data governance, don’t jump right in. Devise a workable strategy f...

Is Data Quality the same as Data Governance?

Although often used interchangeably, data quality and data governance are two entirely different asp...

3 Simple Ways to Reactivate & Engage Your Subscribers

Teaser: It is not enough to add more subscribers to your mailing list. You also need to take good ca...

3 Ways to Optimize ROI with Dynamic Email Content

Teaser: Here are three simple ways to make your email content more dynamic, so that your email marke...