Author: Gautam Mane

Gautam is a growth enabler for Top Fortunes with a strong focus on creating global business opportunities. He specializes in Direct Marketing, Strategic Sales, Lead Generation, Pre-sales, CRM and Data-driven marketing. Gautam is voted as one of Top 100 Technology Experts and is passionate about collaborating with all types of industries to ensure 100% growth with powerful data offerings. Gautam is an active part of the DMA (Direct Marketing Association) events in US and India and has been instrumental in devising some of the most result-driven marketing strategies.

What are the KPIs for a CMO? How are they measured?

Marketers are the front-end leaders of a brand and eventually, the company as such. But unfortunatel...

Sharing borders with sales teams: Do the CMOs share sales revenue goals?

So, we have had a fair understanding of the CMO roles, challenges and goals. Since we have had a fai...

What are the most important attributes of a top-class CMO?

‘’What makes a top-class CMO?’’ The question has never been as much emphasized as now. What ...

Empower your marketing and sales intelligence: Distinguish between ICP and BP

Marketing managers need to prioritize the abilities of their product offerings and match with the �...

In turbulent waters: The CMO in the digital omni-channel era

Here we bring you a series that explore the life and struggles of a CMO. Roles, goals, challenges, K...

Why a typical Sales-Pitch fails sometimes?

Sales pitch: Tell the story of how you help companies and humanity You have got your product ready. ...

Why websites will be even more essential for businesses in 2019

Did you know that many businesses, especially small and medium, do not still own a proper website? S...

SEO Marketing – Where is it heading?

If there is one industry that is on the constant evolvement mode, it is definitely SEO! The SEO indu...

Three elementary mistakes to avoid to sail your way to sales success

They say we are all trying to sell something throughout our lives. A person wishing to get married s...

Relevant? Unique? Enough? Understanding the need for data enrichment and net new data

Anything to do with digital marketing has a set of data as its starting point. The success of any ca...