Author: Gautam Mane

Gautam is a growth enabler for Top Fortunes with a strong focus on creating global business opportunities. He specializes in Direct Marketing, Strategic Sales, Lead Generation, Pre-sales, CRM and Data-driven marketing. Gautam is voted as one of Top 100 Technology Experts and is passionate about collaborating with all types of industries to ensure 100% growth with powerful data offerings. Gautam is an active part of the DMA (Direct Marketing Association) events in US and India and has been instrumental in devising some of the most result-driven marketing strategies.

B2B Marketing in the Days of Social Distancing: It’s Time to Go Digital

As 2020 began, marketers were waiting, with bated breaths, for events like the Summer Olympics, US e...

The Value of Email Marketing in the current Social Media Uprising!

Today we have billions of people hovering over multiple social media platforms. For some, Facebook, ...

10 Reasons Why We Love Data

Successful businesses have always relied on some form of data since time immemorial through manual m...

Refreshing Your Data: Why Is It Important?

We live in an era where data technologies are at the core of marketing strategies. Be it the key sou...

Custom Data: Because Spray-and-Pray Doesn’t Work

In today’s digital era, the entire world is a simple click away on our phones. Owing to this surge...

Hallmarks of a Competent B2B Data Provider

While the B2C business landscape is becoming more data-centric, the B2B world has always been driven...

Change the Way You Think About Good Data

Whether it be healthcare, education, travel, finance, banking, or absolutely any industry, good cont...

How Customer Profiling Can Improve Your MROI

As marketers today grapple with more data than ever, they have an incredible opportunity to create r...

8 Hacks for Every Result Focused Healthcare Marketer

The healthcare industry has shifted from being a volume-based, physician centric industry to a quali...

Top 5 Trends for Email Marketing in 2019

If you have been involved in email marketing for years, and feel that there are no newer aspects to ...