8 Ways to Grow MROI with Emails – Marketers Listen Up
Author: Aaron Smith
Every business thrives on performance internally and externally. When their digital teams avoid marketing mistakes, they stand to gain trust.
1. The email is not dead!
Billions of emails are still being sent and there is no way It will stop. Email marketing has grown and many cyber-savvy sales teams rock due to the automation efforts and best practices they have adopted. It continues to be the best way to reach targeted audiences and also make new customers.
With addition, email templates and videos, the going is better. To be successful in this medium, you will need to avoid some content mistakes. Browse this post as an informative boot camp to get successful and become seasoned in sending emails.
2. Real person, real replies
Companies that use ‘do-not-reply’ addresses, get ignored easily. Unless the recipient feels that the email has come from a real person, the response will be poor. Never make this mistake if you wish to get responses from the customers. Get real, the sender needs to have a name. Why would anyone wish to reply to an auto feed/responder?
3. Ineffective subject line kills, the intended message
Yes, the subject line has to be attention-grabbing. But don’t make it cheesy, cheesy or funny is still fine. You cannot cross the line as a professional. Relationship with the customer is official and not personal.
Don’t kill your prospect as the word may spread and you will lose more customers. Ensure that the subject line is also not completely boring. You will be unsubscribed. Take assistance of professionals to write appropriate content.
4. An engaging copy is a necessity
Don’t expect people to get hooked by the subject line. The message copy should be equally enticing for the reader. Robotic copies get lost in thrash bins. A heartfelt copy will elicit better responses. Tell a story and make It brief. Say it via a video and get good click rates. If the copy is too long, the attention span waivers.
5. Move on to CTA
If you expect the customer to respond to your email, then they also expect something in return. Hence, a delayed call to action is a huge mistake which should be avoided at every cost.
The CTA could refer to download a new mobile-friendly app or vesting the new landing page that has been optimized. Don’t ask the reader to do too many things as part of CTA. It confuses them and they abandon the message. The CTA should also relate to the content if it does not then it is a red flag.
6. Why not become mobile friendly?
Most people now check emails on their phones. It makes sense that the content matches the screen and so does the copy. Ignoring these technical aspects can prove to be costly for any company.
Even if it is newsletter, the content should be easily read on the small screen. If not you are wasting your efforts. Keep an eye on the design and layout along with the readable content to succeed.
7. Forgotten to test?
How silly can you be? Don’t ever hit the send button unless you know that the message being communicated is perfect. Check for typos, repetitions, misinformation, and bad copy.
Take some time to remove gaffes which could humiliate you. If you have an eye for detail, the results will be better. Send a test email to someone who will be able to detect any issues before sending it to the right audience.
8. Are you sending BCCs to everyone on the list?
This is another huge mistake that can ruin your chances of connecting to new people and communicating with regular subscribers. You cannot send the same message to everyone in your list.
You need to split or segment them first. Take advantage of marketing automation tools to split the email list. It can be done via location or age group or different buyers. If the email is not relevant, no one will open it.