Sharper Targeting, Stronger Results: How LakeB2B Empowered an Emergency Department Solutions Provider to Reach Key Decision-Makers


A leading provider of emergency department (ED) solutions, with a 25-year track record of success and a Fortune 500 pedigree, approached LakeB2B with a focused objective. They sought to connect with key decision-makers within emergency departments across a specific region of the United States.

The Challenge:

 * Niche Audience: The Company required a highly targeted contact list encompassing two distinct audiences within emergency departments:

   * ED C-Suite Executives: CEOs, CFOs, COOs, and CNOs (Chief Nursing Officers) who play a crucial role in strategic decision-making and budget allocation.

   * ED Medical Directors: This includes ED Physician Directors and ED Nurse Directors, who directly oversee clinical operations and influence purchasing decisions related to ED services.

 * Geographic Specificity:  The Company wanted to concentrate their outreach efforts on a defined region encompassing 14 states: AL, FL, MS, AK, OK, MO, KY, TX, SC, NC, GA, LA, TN, and VA.

LakeB2B’s Solution:

Leveraging our extensive healthcare data repository, LakeB2B delivered a solution perfectly tailored to The Company’s unique needs:

 * Precise Targeting: We meticulously identified and compiled a data list encompassing ED C-Suite executives and ED medical directors within emergency departments across the designated 14 states. This laser-focused approach ensured their marketing efforts reached the most relevant decision-makers with the authority to approve or influence the adoption of The Company’s ED solutions.

 * Comprehensiveness: The data list included both C-Suite executives and medical directors, providing The Company with a well-rounded view of the decision-making hierarchy within emergency departments. This ensured their message resonated with the individuals who could directly impact their business success.

 * Data Quality & Verification:  LakeB2B prioritizes data accuracy to maximize campaign effectiveness. Our stringent data hygiene processes ensured the list contained a high percentage of deliverable contacts with up-to-date information.

Delivered Contacts: A total of 16,562 targeted contacts were delivered to the client, providing them with a substantial audience of potential clients within their niche market.

Measurable Results: While specific campaign results were not disclosed, The Company expressed satisfaction with the data, acknowledging that “the list was good & it worked out well for us.” This suggests a successful outcome in terms of reaching the most relevant decision-makers within their target audience.

Client Testimonial: 

“Yes, the list was good & it worked out well for us.” – Sterling

This case study exemplifies the power of niche targeting in the healthcare solutions market. By partnering with LakeB2B, The Company gained access to a comprehensive and accurate list of key decision-makers within emergency departments across their chosen geographic region. This strategic approach empowered them to connect with the most relevant individuals, propelling their efforts to optimize emergency department operations for healthcare providers across the targeted states.

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Contact LakeB2B today and discover how our data-driven solutions can make a difference for your business.